724-841-5565 neva@nstotlerlaw.com

Top Reasons to Hire an Employment Lawyer in Pittsburgh


Employment law can change quickly. There may be an amendment to the current law or a recent court case ruling that could change how certain employment laws and regulations are interpreted. It is crucial for an employer to stay compliant and up to date with all laws regarding employment or else risk vulnerability to former employee lawsuits.

At N. Stotler Law, our Pittsburgh employment law attorney can help you tackle sensitive legal matters and keep your business compliant and shielded from unnecessary actions.

How a Pittsburgh Employment Attorney Can Help Your Company

Employment attorneys can counsel you and your business on a wide range of issues, including the best way to hire, fire, and classify employees in complicated situations.

In some cases, terminating an employee may involve complexities that require special expertise in employment law;

  • Employees may have a contract, either written or oral, that limits your company’s rights to terminate their employment
  • The employee may have recently filed a complaint about harassment, discrimination or have filed a complaint with a government agency alleging illegal or unethical behavior
  • An employee might belong to a protected class, including pregnant, disabled, or a practitioner of a particular religion
  • Employees may deny the reasons for their termination, refuse to sign documents, or hire a lawyer to represent them in their dispute
  • Excessive absences can be challenging to determine if an employee is protected under the Family and Medical Leave Act or the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • An employee may believe they have an implied contract that may limit your right to terminate their employment
  • An employee may have benefits, retirement money, or stock options that may affect termination
  • The employee’s termination would dramatically change the demographics of the workspace
  • An employee has access to trade secrets and other sensitive information
  • If you are concerned about potential violence, vandalism, or sabotage in retaliation

A skilled and experienced employment law attorney can help ensure your terminating employees are within the bounds of the law and minimize your risk of actions taken against your company.

How to Protect Your Company from Employment Claims

One of the most beneficial ways of protecting your company is to have clear progressive discipline policies in place that work towards course correction but document the fact in the event those efforts fail. At N. Stotler Law, we know the importance of having a proper disciplinary system and have assisted numerous companies in the Pittsburgh area in creating one that complements their company culture.

What is a progressive discipline policy?

Progressive discipline has many benefits to both employees and employers. Using a multi-step process with documentation, companies can ensure they treat every employee and infraction consistently.

For example, a typical progressive disciplinary policy might go as follows;

  1. An employee is verbally warned for violating company rules, which is reduced to writing for the file
  2. For the second offense, the employee is given a written warning
  3. A third violation may result in some loss of time
  4. The fourth violation is the termination

The key is to have an established, consistent, and transparent disciplinary process. N. Stotler Law can help you create a progressive disciplinary process and implement it within the company.

How N. Stotler Law Can Help

If you own a small to mid-sized business and are concerned about the legal ramifications of hiring, firing, and disciplining employees, contact N. Stotler Law today. Our Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania employment law lawyer has extensive experience helping companies navigate the many pitfalls of termination and discipline. Contact the highly knowledgeable N. Stotler Law for a consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 724-841-5565.

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